Restaurant Email Address in California
Are you looking for Email Addresses at Restaurants in California?
If so, our entire US Email List of Restaurants contains over 117,000 email addresses Nationwide with over 23,000 in California alone.
The entire US Restaurant Email List containing all 23,000 email addresses at Restaurants in California and 117,00 Nationwide is available for just $295.00
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Why we don’t offer data by individual States: We do understand that many of our customers only require data from a particular State – that is one of the reasons why we price our Nationwide List at such a competitive level to ensure a purchase is still very worthwhile even if customers do not intend to use the entire List. After all, we do not know of other List vendors offering this many Restaurant email address records just in California for $295.00, especially with our 100% No Hard Bounce Guarantee. And by using Excel or similar it is very easy to sort order the entire List by State and then cut and paste the required records into another file.
To fully understand the List format and the types of information supplied see example records from our Nationwide Email List of Restaurants which includes California:-
We Offer The Best Email Delivery Guarantee
We offer a 100% Guarantee of No Hard Bounces. You’ll receive a refund for any portion of the records that Hard Bounce. See full details of our Guarantee via the link below
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