About Us

APC Business Lists is a 15-year-old Business  List Research company with offices in Canada and Hong Kong.

We provide the business data your sales and marketing teams need to find new customers and increase sales.

While our Lists include Street Addresses and Telephone numbers, these days most of our clients require Business Email Addresses.

So what is our Unique Selling Point (USP) ?

Quite simply, we provide Business Email Lists of the highest quality, with a meaningful No Hard Bounce Guarantee, at the lowest possible prices.

Please read more about our Research Methods. We have a dedicated team of researchers, and we’re always working to improve the quality of our lists!

Our team is an experienced group of Business Data Researchers, Data Processers and Direct Marketing experts. We have a deep knowledge of Data and Direct Marketing, and many years of understanding just how high-quality marketing lists impacts on the success of any marketing campaign

We work with small businesses and large corporations who are looking to promote their goods or services to specific business categories.   No matter the size of your organization we are your trusted supplier for high quality Business Lists at very competitive prices where email addresses we supply are guaranteed not to Hard Bounce

With our Lists our customers have an ideal way to quickly generate new clients and sales. We understand that a successful email marketing campaign begins with an accurate and up-to-date List , and our goal is to supply you with just that!

List buyers can integrate our data into their sales prospect database without difficulty. Maintaining an unwavering commitment to data accuracy ensures your prospect database stays accurate, up to date and devoid of invalid data. With our meticulously researched data, you can focus on sales and marketing rather than data clean-up, maximizing your ROI

As long established business list providers, we stand out by offering an exclusive 100% No hard bounce guarantee. But we do not just offer a credit or replacement data – we will refund for email messages that hard bounce so you can be sure that our data is reliable and up to date. For example, in the unlikely event that 5% of the email messages you send to a given list hard bounce then we will refund 5% of the money you have paid for that List.

Please contact us via the Contact Us page if you need any further information about our services.

What makes our Lists the best in the Industry?

The Best Email Delivery Guarantee 

We offer a 100% Guarantee of No Hard Bounces. You’ll receive a refund for any portion of the records that Hard Bounce. See full details of our Guarantee in the Shopping Cart


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