Email Addresses of Dentists and Dental Clinics In New York
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Email List of Dentists and Dental Clinics in New York
New York is one of the most populous cities in the country, with a population size of 8,804,194. With such a population, the health infrastructure should be robust. Unfortunately, the dental care in the city is below par. According to a recently published article, New York is facing a shortage of dental care across the city. In many rural and urban areas, the city has very few dentists. When we go by numbers, for every 4,000 people, there is one dentist. This is because dental practitioners are retiring, and new dentists are leaving the city for various reasons, making it difficult for low-income people to access quality oral health care.
Having said that, there are a number of dental clinics than dentists in the city. This could be because of different reasons. For example, there could be specialized clinics offering specialized services or treatments. As a result, there is an increase in the number of such clinics in the city without necessarily requiring a proportional number of dentists.
Coming back to the dental care shortage in New York. The local government is planning to introduce a law that will improve dental care services. The law includes creating a workforce employment program for dental professionals and exempt sales tax for oral health products.
Overall, the number of dentists and dental clinics in New York has stark differences. There are numerous dental clinics, but there is a shortage of dentists. To address this issue, the state government has brought in a law that aims to increase the number of dentists in New York.