Email Mailing List of Lighting Suppliers in the USA
1,000’s of Contacts for just $99.00
View 100’s of example records to understand exactly what type of information is supplied:-
Full email addresses are made available to buyers but are not shown in this publicly viewable Video. All Information Fields from the List are shown in the Video. No other categories of information such as fax numbers or contact names are supplied. Not all records in the List include postal addresses or telephone #’s – see below for counts. While all our Lists are regularly updated this Video is only updated periodically and may contain some out of date information.
Our List of Lighting Suppliers is your most comprehensive and up-to-date resource for finding new sales prospects. The List includes details such as business website, email address contacts, street addresses and telephone numbers – vital business intelligence to help you reach your target market audience and achieve better returns on your marketing investment.
Investing in accurate and up to date marketing data which includes website, email and street addresses as well as phone numbers will enable you to establish which marketing approach works best to build relationships with new customers, to test the appeal of your product or service, and of course to increase sales and improve your bottom line.
Our List of Lighting Suppliers is the best in the industry and here are just a few reasons why:
~ Unlimited Usage – use the list as many times as you want.
~ Email & Postal promotions are guaranteed to be deliverable. See Terms.
~ Regularly updated Email addresses. See the Research Methods page.
~ Easy to Use – the list is supplied in CSV format and will open in Excel.
~ Fast Delivery via a download link within a few hours of payment.
~ Low Price – 1,000’s of Contacts for just $99.00
This is what is included in the List of Lighting Suppliers:-
~ 1,704 Unique Businesses – all with at least one email address contact.
~ 2,311* Unique Email Address Contacts.
~ 99% of records Unique Website Addresses.
~ 78 % of records with Telephone Numbers.
~ 90 % of records with a Full Postal Addresses.
~ 10 % of records with partial postal address (records include Email addresses)
* More than one email address contact at each business is often included.
FREE BONUS LIST:- If you purchase this list you will ALSO receive a free bonus .csv file containing the records of over 440 extra Lighting Suppliers in the USA where we do not have Email Address Contact details. However ALL these extra and free records include Website Address, Business Name and a 9 digit CASS verified postal address but to repeat, unlike the records in the paid for List, the records in this free bonus list do NOT include email addresses although in many cases you can still email those listed via their website Contact page.
No List is perfect but our guarantee is the best in the industry.
We believe our lists contain the most accurate and update information possible. After all, few other suppliers go to such lengths to ensure that the data you purchase is as accurate and up to date.
But we also recognize that no database can be perfect. Businesses are constantly opening, closing and relocating. So it’s natural to receive a small amount of outdated records.
That’s why we offer our 100% guarantee of deliverability for both the Email and CASS Verified Street addresses listed. You’ll receive a refund for any portion of the records that are undeliverable. See our Business Terms page for full details.
This List was last updated during: December 2024
So what’s the Next Step?
To quickly obtain relevant, up to date and accurate details of 1,000’s of industry specific sales prospects, simply click the “Add to Cart” button below and follow the delivery and payment details in the Shopping Cart.
We accept Credit Card payments via Paypal or via a Paypal account. See full details in the Shopping Cart
Email Address Records in each State
AK | 2 |
AL | 37 |
AR | 11 |
AZ | 58 |
CA | 516 |
CO | 72 |
CT | 34 |
DC | 6 |
DE | 11 |
FL | 238 |
GA | 80 |
HI | 16 |
IA | 14 |
ID | 18 |
IL | 135 |
IN | 45 |
KS | 21 |
KY | 18 |
LA | 33 |
MA | 88 |
MD | 52 |
ME | 17 |
MI | 76 |
MN | 60 |
MO | 46 |
MS | 6 |
MT | 14 |
NC | 55 |
ND | 2 |
NE | 12 |
NH | 16 |
NJ | 104 |
NM | 6 |
NV | 48 |
NY | 217 |
OH | 90 |
OK | 18 |
OR | 32 |
PA | 99 |
RI | 13 |
SC | 38 |
SD | 6 |
TN | 36 |
TX | 183 |
UT | 32 |
VA | 39 |
VT | 6 |
WA | 58 |
WI | 39 |
WV | 3 |
WY | 5 |