Email Addresses in California of Beauty, Hair Salons and Spas

Are you looking for Email Addresses at Beauty Salons, Hair Salons and Spas in California?

If so, our entire US Email List of Beauty Salons, Hair Salons and Spas costs only $295 and

contains over 67,000 email addresses Nationwide with over 14,000 in California alone.


Click Here For Full Details



Why we don’t offer data by individual States:  We do understand that many of our customers only require data from a particular State – that is one of the reasons why we price our Nationwide List at such a competitive level to ensure a purchase is still very worthwhile even if customers do not intend to use the entire List.  After all, we do not know of other List vendors offering this many email address records just in California for $295.00, especially with our 100% No Hard Bounce Guarantee. And by using Excel or similar it is very easy to sort order the entire List by State and then cut and paste the required records into another file.

View the Business Names listed in our Nationwide Email List of Beauty Salons, Hair Salons and Spas which includes California:-


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We offer a 100% Guarantee of No Hard Bounces. You’ll receive a refund for any portion of the records that Hard Bounce. See full details of our Guarantee via the link below

marketing list of Fitness Centers
marketing list of Fitness Centers

Information About California Beauty and Hair Salons Email Address List

California is home to an ocean of beauty and hair salons. Over 14,000 email addresses of beauty and hair salons in California are listed in our Database.

Although each salon offers its unique services, there are common services that every salon offers like hair cutting, facials, and many more. Here’s a list of the common services provided by the salons:

When it comes to hair cutting, California salons offer different hair cutting techniques for both men and women. Speaking of hair coloring, the salons offer services such as man’s gray blending, single process root touch-ups, single process colors, partial highlights, and permanent highlights. And for facial services, the salons offer options such as classic facials, acne facials, hydrating facials, and chemical peel, to name a few.

Did you know that California offers beauty and hair services to both men and women at the same salon? Since California is a very progressive state, there are many unisex salons across the state, including in popular cities like L.A. Some of the popular ones are in the city of L.A, such as Great Unisex, Hair by Nico, Bishops Pasadena, Westside Hair Studio, and Paco’s Unisex Hair, to name a few.

If you are looking for California beauty and hair salons email address list and the emails of unisex salons, get the information by visiting the APC website. The APC website has an online repository of contact lists of different industries like restaurants, salons, interior designers, hotels, architects, and many others. The list can be accessed after purchase. Once purchased, the complete email list of the salons in California is available through a download link.